We’ve updated the options for subscribing to BRICS website content to a system that should work far better than before.

On the main page of the website, a subscription box now provides three options:

Subscribe to website posts in a feed reader.

This option allows you to subscribe to all posts on the main page of our website. You will receive new posts in whatever reader application you choose – either a web-based reader like Google Reader, or a desktop application like Microsoft Outlook.

Subscribe to website posts by email.

This option will deliver new posts from the main page of our website to the email address of your choice. Whenever there is a new post, you will receive it. No post today, no email.

Submit your agency’s contact information to receive important bulletins from BRICS through the EMA’s Communicator system.

Some time-sensitive bulletins intended for the agencies that use BRICS are sent out with the Communicator system. Each agency has (or should) provide a list of point-of-contacts who will receive these bulletins for their agency. Click the link above to verify if your agency has contacts on file, or to submit agency contact information.

We hope that, by visiting our website or using one of the subscription options above, we’ll be able to keep you as informed as you would like to be about BRICS. Please contact us with any questions.


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