The November meeting of the 800MHz Advisory Board is scheduled for November the 18th in Conference Room 2.
The advisory board meeting that would normally be held this Thursday has been canceled. The next meeting has been rescheduled due to the Thanksgiving holiday.
Radios at the Sharonville, Forest Park and Colerain Township's fire departments in Hamilton County have BRICS interoperability talkgroups to better facilitate joint responses with our agencies.
Work continues on the first phase of the renovations on Princeton Road that will accommodate the Emergency Operations Center and Communications Division in a combined facility.
During the third quarter of 2010 (July through September), BRICS saw 2.35 million Push to Talks (PTTs) over all talkgroups
Radios at the Franklin Fire Department in Warren County are now programmed with BRICS interoperability talkgroups to better facilitate joint responses with our agencies.