The BCSO Technical Services Division supports BRICS and all the systems included therein. The governance and advisory components vary depending on the specific system; the structure is specific, for example, to whether we’re looking at the trunked radio system or the 9-1-1 system.

Overview of Governance and Advisory Relationships

This chart gives an overview of the various committees and boards, and their relationship to BRICS systems.

BRICS Advisory, Appointment, Authority Relationships

BRICS Advisory, Appointment, Authority Relationships

Download the chart (PDF)

More info: To view the chairpersons and board / committee memberships, click here.

Radio System Governance

Butler County Sheriff Richard K. Jones elected to exercise authority granted in Section 307.63 of the Ohio Revised Code to operate Butler County’s public safety communications system. As such, he was empowered to employ personnel in connection with the system’s operation and became solely responsible to promulgate rules and regulations necessary to operate the system in a reasonable manner as provided in the Ohio Revised Code. Maintenance of the system infrastructure is the responsibility of the Butler County Commissioners.

800MHz Advisory Board

The Sheriff wished to create an Advisory Board for the system to make recommendations to the Sheriff and act as a liaison between the Sheriff and the users of the system. The board, as agreed upon by the Commissioners and the Sheriff in Resolution 07-08-1549 (PDF), contains a representative from:

  • Butler County Sheriff’s Office
  • Butler County Commissioners
  • Butler County Engineer’s Office
  • Butler County Chief’s of Police Association
  • Butler County Fire Chief’s Association

and a communications representative from

  • West Chester Township
  • Sheriff’s Office
  • City of Hamilton
  • City of Oxford
  • City of Middletown
  • City of Fairfield
  • City of Trenton
  • City of Monroe

The board normally meets every other month. Whenever possible, their schedule is posted to the calendar.

For more information about the Advisory Board, contact the board secretary.

9-1-1 System Governance

The BRICS Telephone System is the technology that comprises the Butler County 9-1-1 system. The Butler County 9-1-1 system is governed by the Butler County 9-1-1 Planning Committee. The County 9-1-1 Coordinator is appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and acts at the direction of the 9-1-1 Planning Committee.

County 9-1-1 Planning Committee

The planning committee has the statutory authority to operate the 9-1-1 system, as defined in Chapter 128 of the Ohio Revised Code. The planning committee’s membership structure is specified in the county’s 9-1-1 Final Plan. The members are:

  • Representative of the Board of County Commissioners
  • Representative of the most populous municipal corporation (City of Hamilton)
  • Representative of the second largest population (West Chester Township)
  • Representative of municipal corporations
  • Representative of townships

The committee and coordinator direct BCSO’s BRICS Support Unit staff in their administration and operation of the system.