The Tabs
Every dispatch console has four tabs, effectively quadrupling the screen space of the radio console. They have been set up to accomodate different sets of talkgroups according to function.

The four tabs of the dispatch console.
The tabs are: Main, Fire, Interop and Local. Each tab duplicates your primary talkgroups so you can respond to them regardless of the tab selection.
Main Tab
This tab was set up to allow you to do most of your normal business in one place. In addition to your primary talkgroups (see below), it includes all Law Enforcement Area Wide talkgroups, the Fireground talkgroups for fire and EMS, and local operational talkgroups for your agencies.
Fire Tab
This tab was set up with everything fire and EMS releated. In addition to your primary talkgroups, it includes all Fireground talkgroups and all fire, EMS and station alerting tones for your particular dispatch center. It also includes any fire alerting frequencies you use to set off pagers or alert fire stations.
Interop Tab
This tab is set up for special interoperability situations. In addition to your primary talkgroups, it includes the Butler County Mutual Aid talkgroups and conventional mutual aid frequencies (8 TAC 91 through 94).
Local Tab
This tab is set up for any other special local functions. In addition to your primary talkgroups, it includes the private call resource. It might also include Knox Box icons, weather siren alerting, or conventional comparator controls depending on your center.
Selected vs. Unselected
Select the desired resource by clicking with the left mouse button in the solid dark blue area of the radio resource. The border will change to green and the inside background will turn white when selected.
Your foot pedal will transmit on the selected resource.
Alert tones 1, 2 and 3 transmit on the selected resource.
Headset and select-speaker audio comes from the selected resource.
Primary Talkgroups
Across the top row of your console screen, you’ll find your primary local talkgroups in the same place on each tab. This allows you to respond to a call to your center easily, no matter what tab is currently selected. An operator assigned as a fire dispatcher can use the fire tab and still easily respond to the main law enforcement talkgroup if no one else is available.
Every center that dispatches for a law enforcement agency or agencies has one “LE MAIN” talkgroup specific to their center. The talkgroup name begins with the two-letter prefix for your center. At the Sheriff’s Office, for example, they see SO LE MAIN.
The LE MAIN includes buttons for emergency alarms and the channel marker, because all local law enforcement emergency alarms will be received on this talkgroup.
Every center that dispatches for a fire agency or agencies has one “FD MAIN” talkgroup specific to their center, located to the right of the LE MAIN.
The FD MAIN includes buttons for emergency alarms and the channel marker, because all local fire and EMS emergency alarms will be received on this talkgroup.
To the right of the FD MAIN talkgroup is your “GOV” talkgroup. This talkgroup is shared by all users of your political subdivision. If your public works or government administration join the system, they can reach your center on the government talkgroup. It is also where law enforcement and fire units can easily talk to non-public safety in their government.
On the right hand side of the screen, you’ll find all of the calling and PSAP talkgroups. They are also located on each tab. Learn more about them ->